10 Characteristics of Kingdom Men

1. A Kingdom man submits to God and follows Jesus
    • A Kingdom man acknowledges God’s authority and wholeheartedly submits to His will. 
    • He is an authentic follower of Christ, a deeply committed disciple of Jesus. 
    • Surrendering his entire life to Jesus, modeling his thoughts, words, and actions after the example set by Jesus himself. 
    • Loving what Jesus loves and despising what Jesus despises. Jesus is the ultimate King and Lord of his life.
    • He understands that his intimate connection with God is essential for spiritual growth and enables him to align his life with God’s purposes.
    • Seeks to nurture and deepen his personal relationship with God through fervent prayer, diligent study of the Bible, and a steadfast commitment to living in obedience to God’s commands.
    • A Kingdom man possesses clear and biblically aligned priorities. 
    • His primary focus is on seeking the Kingdom of God rather than being consumed by material possessions. 
    • His love for God surpasses any desire for greed or covetousness. 
    • He understands the impossibility of serving both God and worldly wealth, recognizing the need to choose a single allegiance. 
    • His heart is filled with a genuine passion for and dedication to the Kingdom of God, making it his utmost pursuit in life.
    • A Kingdom man acknowledges God’s authority and wholeheartedly submits to His will. 
    • He is an authentic follower of Christ, a deeply committed disciple of Jesus. 
    • Surrendering his entire life to Jesus, modeling his thoughts, words, and actions after the example set by Jesus himself. 
    • Loving what Jesus loves and despising what Jesus despises. Jesus is the ultimate King and Lord of his life.
    • He understands that his intimate connection with God is essential for spiritual growth and enables him to align his life with God’s purposes.
    • Seeks to nurture and deepen his personal relationship with God through fervent prayer, diligent study of the Bible, and a steadfast commitment to living in obedience to God’s commands.
    • A Kingdom man embraces a life of faith, actively applying the principles of the Word of God to his actions. 
    • He wholeheartedly believes in the truths of the Scripture, allowing them to deeply resonate within his heart, and boldly confesses them with his words. 
    • He understands that faith is not passive but an active force that empowers him to overcome the various challenges of life, such as poverty, racism, sickness, unemployment, marital problems, and more. 
    • A Kingdom man has a deep love for prayer and cherishes intimate conversations with God. 
    • He understands the transformative power of prayer, he seeks God’s guidance and relies on Him to lighten burdens and provide divine direction. 
    • He intercedes fervently for leaders at the Church, national and local levels. 
    • He anoints his family members and invokes God’s favor upon them. 
    • Understanding spiritual warfare, he effectively utilizes the Name of Jesus to exercise his authority.
    • A Kingdom man exemplifies diligence in his work and displays effective management of his resources, recognizing that everything he possesses ultimately belongs to God. 
    • He embraces the concept of stewardship, utilizing his time, talents, and resources to fulfill God’s purposes and positively impact the lives of others. 
    • With God’s blessing, a Kingdom man prospers and generates wealth for the benefit of his family and effectively stewards his provisions, ensuring financial stability for future generations.
    • He wholeheartedly embraces the practice of tithe and offering, he finds joy in contributing to the financing of God’s work and advancing His kingdom on earth.
    • A Kingdom man has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 
    • The Kingdom man embraces the abiding presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to lead, empower, and bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in his character and conduct.
    • He faithfully seeks the counsel and direction of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the Spirit’s wisdom as indispensable.
    • The Kingdom man seeks to honor and avoid grieving the Holy Spirit in his daily life. 
    • Acknowledging the Holy Spirit as his closest confidant and source of comfort, he treasures the deep friendship and solace of the Spirit and strives to live in a manner, pleasing to the Spirit.
    • A Kingdom man joyfully and willingly assumes and embraces the responsibility for the welfare and spiritual growth of his family, community, and those entrusted to his care. 
    • He exemplifies servant-type leadership, emulating the selfless example set by Jesus Christ. 
    • If married, he lovingly and tenderly cherishes and nurtures his wife, treating her with the utmost respect and never subjecting her to abuse or belittlement. 
    • If He has children, he diligently protects, provides for them, and equips them for a life of following Christ. 
    • He lives sacrificially, finding joy in prioritizing their well-being over his own. 
    • Under no circumstances will he ever abandon his family. 
    • A Kingdom man holds honesty, integrity, and moral uprightness in high regard. 
    • He actively seeks to lead a life that is blameless and righteous, consistently aligning his actions with the timeless principles found in the Bible. 
    • His integrity is unwavering and firm, reflecting a life that is well-ordered and in harmony with God’s standards. 
    • Trustworthiness and faithfulness are integral to his character, as he follows through on his commitments and fulfills his responsibilities. 
    • Although he is not without flaws when he makes mistakes, he takes ownership of them, repents, and endeavors to rectify any wrongdoing.
    • A Kingdom man actively engages in the advancement of the Kingdom of God. 
    • He recognizes his responsibility to spread the message of the Kingdom both within his own household and beyond. 
    • He courageously, selflessly, and compassionately brings the Kingdom of God to individuals caught in cycles of need, such as those caught up in violence, addiction, and despair. 
    • In the face of negative influences, he stands as a protective barrier, shielding his loved ones and community from the assaults of the enemy.
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